Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Meaghan Smith, You Rock My Omnichord

... Or, rather, her omnichord. More on that later.

So last week, basically the day of or the day after I got home for the holidays, my mom asked me, "Would you like to go see Meaghan Smith play at the Charlotte Street Arts Center?" Uh, YES! Meaghan Smith (pronounced MEE-gan Smith) is only the most wonderful Canadian songstress EVER! "Alrighty then!" she said (or said in my head), and we got tickets to her "It Snowed" CD release show.

She played from both her new album and her first, "The Cricket's Orchestra", and is not only EXTREMELY talented, but very charming and witty. Standout songs for me were "I Know", "Christmastime is Here", and "Poor". I mean, I love every second of the show, but those were some of my favourites. Aw, who am I kidding. They're all my favourite.

However, I have one memory of the show that I'll keep in my head for a long time. During her rendition of "Silver Bells", she pulled out this magical instrument. It's called an Omnichord, and it's, in her words, a "vintage instrument from the 80s"(my dad sounded insulted when she said this), but to me it's just pure awesome. Anyway, since this was her final stop on her "It Snowed" tour, she asked if anyone from the audience wanted to get up and play it a little! My mother, being the wonderful person that she is, grabbed my arm, shoved it in the air, and started flailing it around. Needless to say, I was picked. So I got up there with her and her husband, and got to fool around a little. With the omnichord. It's funny, because looking back on it now I can think of so many other things I would have done with the omnichord (like turn around and play with my hands behind my back), but I played with BOTH my elbows... and my fingers. Also, she liked my hair. I liked her entire ensemble. I think we're even.

After the show, I went to get my copy if "It Snowed" signed by Meaghan, and she was as sweet as she was on stage. She even gave me my very own scarf as a thank you for embarrassing myself. Then she took some photos, signed my CD (twice!) and gave me a hug. Then my mom got her CD signed and proceeded to tell Meaghan how her song "5 More Minutes" make her think of me and I started crying and mama started crying and Meaghan started tearing up and it was just embarrassing and wonderful.

I honestly don't know why I don't go to live shows more often, but if it means saving up my live musical experiences for wonderful ones like this, I don't think I mind.

Showing me how to play the Omnichord...
(her husband kinda looked like Joel Plaskett... she called him her husBAND. So witty)

The hottest elbow action you will ever see.
Also, can we observe Meaghan's dress? I'm in love. She was also wearing a hat that had a black lace piece on it. I want EVERYTHING!

My new scarf! It's patterned on one end and is made of a lovely soft material. I'm going to wear it FOREVER! (potentially)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Cat's Adventures in Sewing - Episode 2

So I'm all done my independent study in costume design and I am GLAD GLAD GLAD. My mentor, as sweet and well intentioned as she is, was not fun to work with. But that's probably just me being fiercely independent and crazy. And lazy. Mostly lazy. I dunno.

Anyway, the main thing that I had to do, aside from costume designs and alterations, was build two identical dresses that were not to be worn by any of the actors. They were instead dresses that the dead daughter in the play had worn. Delightful, I know. Anyway, I had to make two because one had to be ripped every night, which was a fun little project for me, trying to figure out the best technique to have the dress rip easily, but look like everything was solid on the outside. I ended up using a running stitch and breaking the threads periodically, but that's another story. HERE is the making of the two blue butterfly dresses!

I had never used a pattern before, so the laying out of the pattern was fun. My mom and I had a great time figuring it out, even with my mom suggesting we call my sewing teacher and my telling her, "Mom, we don't have to call her. I understand."
Here it is, laid out in all its glory.
Beautiful, isn't it?

And here's my mom! Best helper ever.

The first cut!

Since I needed two sets of the pattern, I doubled up the material and cut 4 pieces of each pattern piece.

Sewing sewing sewing...

A vest! Also, you can tell I was getting warm because the hair is up!

Working on putting the sleeves on the vest...
My mom. Best helper ever. Even when she's on the computer. Moral supporter.

And one bodice piece is done! Ish. But I can wear it! Who said it was for little girls.

And the final results from my first session working on the two butterfly dresses!

I was SO proud of myself when I had finished. I was all, these look AWESOME! I MADE THIS?! WHAAAA?! Unfortunately, I did not put the bias tape on properly and had to redo it, but other than that, everything was awesome.

So that's session one. Next up, the completion of the dresses!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Time Waster...

So right now I'm sitting in the office of my campus theatre, waiting for the temporary scripts for our Black Tie show this year (RENT) to finish photocopying (ssssssshh...) and I thought to myself... Now would be the best time to update stuff! I mean, it's not like I brought any work to do! (I really didn't)

So what's up with me.


But seriously. I'm the assistant costume designer for a show that opens on Wednesday, and although all of my costume work is finished, I still have a few prop and set construction things to complete that are included in my grade. FOR INSTANCE I have to make a flamenco dress for a porcelain doll. From scratch. Without a pattern. Honestly, I'm so frustrated with this project. I start it and it seems to be going well, but then I botch something and I have to start over or I finish something and realize that it's not right...

And then there are the dresses that the lead designer and I are creating that are the set. Yes, the set. There are 8 dresses all made out of moulding cloth, which is a, you guessed it, mouldable cloth. It's so cool. One side is canvas while the other looks like aluminum foil. Personally, I'm obsessed, and I keep stealing the scraps that she doesn't want anymore. Future project for my room? Hmm...

But yeah. After the show opens I have minimal assignments to complete my independent project. I have a photo journal which will include my ADVENTURES IN SEWING and a few other things... and that'll be it! Basically a scrapbook. STOKED.

What else... I'm going to be involved in a radio play that's airing Halloween night on our campus radio station. I just read the script today, and it is beyond awesome. I got chills just READING it, let alone listening to it!

Also, I auditioned for a fine arts student's independent film yesterday. I'll be hearing back about whether or not I got a role HOPEFULLY tomorrow. But who knows! I like to think that my audition went pretty well. I think.

AND ON MORE SHOW NEWS, I got Oompa Loompa #3 for the G&G production of Willy Wonka. You got that right. #3. I'M MOVING UP IN THE WORLD!

Uh... Pretty sure that's all. For now. I will be uploading Episodes 2 and 3 of my Adventures in Sewing very soon, because I know how much you are all obsessed with them. I'm so interesting.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cat's Adventures in Sewing - Episode 1

I've started sewing.

I mean, I've sewed before with a needle and thread, attaching buttons where I need to and occasionally altering a halloween costume to fit my needs. But I've started sewing FO REALZ.

Update: a friend of mine kindly reminded me of how we took Home Economics in Grade 9 and made frogs with a sewing machine. I called mine Gimpy for a reason. Here he is:
Alright. Now back to the regularly scheduled post.
Update update: one of his eyes just fell off.

It all started with a class I took last year that was, at the time, called Production 2, which is one more than Production. In this course, we looked at set design, building set maquettes, makeup design, prop construction, and costume design. Each of us picked a play and had to do all the above things for it. My selected play was The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde.

Now, if you know me, I love this play. My first introduction to it was the movie with Colin Firth, Rupert Everett, Reese Witherspoon, and some other people. I LOVED that movie, fell head over heels in love with Mr. Everett, and that was that. If you know me, you'll also know how much I adore steampunk. It's just so... classy! So elegant! So rough. So vintage! I LOVE IT! So I put two and two together.

For our final assignment, we were required to create costume renderings for each of the characters in the show. HERE are mine!

 Lady Bracknell



 And my personal favourite... Cecily!

So there were a lot of buckles and such. You may say that Lady Bracknell isn't very steampunk, but that's how I designed her.

ANYWAY. Once I had finished my assignment, I realized that I loved doing this kind of thing! Creating fun, crazy costumes! But, there was one problem.

I don't know the last thing about creating costumes from scratch.

So I hatched a plan. I applied for an independent study in costume design and got it! So I am currently the assistant costume designer for a play and next semester I will be a STRAIGHT UP costume designer!

One thing my mentor recommended I do was take sewing lessons. So I found a second hand sewing machine and have been taking lessons with a friend of mine all semester. We've done a couple of projects, which include:

Writing my name on fabric and working with appliques (it's a mustache!)

And making a pencil case! Outside:

 And inside:

And that's been it up to now. I'm the process of making a really cute skirt, but thanks to a really shitty sewing day on Monday, it's still not done. Oh well. Give it a couple more weeks and I'll have something more to show you!

I promise to myself to update more. I promise...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sackville Beauties.

Long story short, it's been ages since I've blogged about ANYTHING! But, truth be told, I've been busy. School finished for the year, I went to Vancouver for a week and a half (blog about THAT to come) and I've been on a crazy job hunt that's only sorta been fruitful...

But enough about that. This blog is about my weekend. My absolutely fantastic weekend and the photoshoot that started it all. But before we begin, I would like you to view this picture:

It basically sums up my entire weekend. Yes, that is a giant lobster. Yes, there are a large amount of people sprawling themselves over said lobster and a fisherman. And yes, this was the last picture taken by my little camera before it was accidentally dropped and died.

Don't worry, Spenny. I don't blame you. For much.

But now getting to the main part of this post: the photoshoot! I was feeling kinda crappy the day I was supposed to head to Sackville, so I spent my day resting. I almost stayed IN Fredericton that night until I got a text from my roomie, Alexis, saying that we and our friend Eric should have a photoshoot when I got into town. SO, suddenly motivated, I jumped out of bed (kinda), ran out the door (not really), and sped to Sackville with a box spring strapped to the roof of my van (actually). Once I got there, I got prettied up, and we headed out to the Waterfowl Park.

 Right by the entrance to the Waterfowl Park was a beautiful tree covered in cherry blossoms. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to give them a sniff. Good thing my allergies didn't act up!

 Eric and Alexis were awesome models, both crazy photogenic in their own rights.
I love that my friends are so attractive.

 I mean, really! Look at this guy! Don't you just want to kiss him on the MOUTH!

I know I do.

 The bowler hat made me feel classy. And silly. But mostly classy.

 Okay... Mostly silly. 

 Alexis was really channeling a 60s mod vibe... WHICH I LOVED!

She was also debuting a Twiggy-esque haircut... WHICH I ALSO LOVED!!! 

 wHY So sERiOUs??1


 Like I said, BEAUTIFUL day! Not too sunny, not too cloudy. Perfect conditions for taking pictures!

 There was intense posing...

 ... hiding under boardwalks...

 ... and DUCKS!



 It was a happy day...

 ... filled with lots of smiles...

 ... and love.

 Also NO WAI, GRRRL! hand motions.


 The new religion?

 Just accept it. We're awesome.

I wouldn't give these two up as friends for the world.
I love you so much, Eric and Alexis! <3

Saturday, April 23, 2011


It's finally here.

My birthday.

Double double digits.

... Feels the same.

But, you know, it's not. I have survived another year of impending doom, much to my surprise.

20's a pretty boring birthday, though, if you think about it. I mean, one year ago, at least in the majority of Canada, you turn drinking age legal. This means that you are basically required to go out and party. It is the equivalent of the Sweet Sixteen, but better. And next year is even better because you are legally able to drink ANYWHERE in the world, so you're more than willing to go drink your face off... and then some.

I've also decided that after my birthday next year, I won't age another day because I simply won't have to. Sure I can't rent a car, but who cares?! That's what friends, hitch hiking, and walking is for!

Anyway, this is how I spent my birthday last year.

I looked super sassy,

I was surrounded by some amazing friends,

And I danced the night away (person pictured is actual friend, NOT creeper)

So the question remains, what will I be doing this year?

The answer is this:
That's right. I'll be running around in a cardboard airplane all the way to Vancouver. I'm also getting a sex change into a little boy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!

Not gonna lie, I'm actually super excited. I'll be in Vancouver for a little over a week, and not only will I be going to Vancouver, but I'll also be taking a side trip to my hometown! EXCITEMENT!

But until I get on that plane tonight, I will be eating cupcakes, packing, and relaxing with my parents.

Updates from Vancouver MAY happen, but as I'm not bringing my computer, they may be few and far between. Or not exist at all.

Did I mention it's my mother's birthday today, too? Fun fact.