Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Reflections on Looooove

In the last few minutes of this overhyped, generated by the man holiday, I want to say a couple of things.

First off, I love Valentine's Day. I love how you can tell people that you love how you feel, whether they're just your friends or something more. I love the sense of happiness that exudes from people when you give them something as simple as a cheesy card. I love the cheesy cards. I love seeing young couples and old couples celebrating their love, no matter how old or young it may be. I love the love.

But I wish it wasn't so commercialized. Granted, it was created the BE commercial, but why make it that way? I don't need flowers, chocolate, jewlery or an expensive dinner. To me, Valentine's Day should just focus on the love that people share with each other. So make your cards instead of buying them, make the special dinner instead of going out (Red Velvet Cupcakes, anyone?), create something for your significant other. Make this holiday less commercial and more about the people involved.

And then there's the whole "Singles Awareness Day." I never liked to celebrate that way. Yes, this was my first Valentine's Day in a relationship, but I never focused on being single. I liked my status! It meant that I could flirt with whomever I wanted without repercussions. It also meant that I didn't have to worry about the commercialism of Valentine's Day. So what did I do? I made cards for my friends and had fun. I didn't mope or cry or despair that I didn't have someone to share the day with. I had my friends! Even today with my boyfriend living 3 hours away from me, I had two "in-town Valentines," friends that just wanted to be silly with me.

Thanks Eric and Tristan! <3

So to all the people who don't have a "someone" on Valentine's Day, you do. You have so many people who love and care for you, maybe not in the romantic way, but they do. So have fun!

Fun Fact: Apparently, Valentine's Day originated around Goats. I just found out that today. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. <3

Link gets whomever... or whatever he wants.

Friday, February 11, 2011

First of Twelve...

Step 1: Admitting you have a problem.

I am a horrible procrastinator.

This blog entry is an example of such.

For instance, right now I could (should) be working on costume thumbnails that I need to have done for tomorrow, writing a paper on the musical Hair, starting the first draft of a 1 Act play that needs to be written for a week from now, or even writing a paper on the theatre from my hometown. Heck, I could even be memorizing the ridiculous amount of lines that I need to be off book for in less than two weeks.

Instead, I am sitting on my bed, listening to the dulcet tones of Eva Cassidy, and writing this. I also just organized my bookshelf and put some photos on my wall.


It's at times like these that I ask myself, Cat, why the fuck are you so lazy? You could easily just sit down and work for 3 hours without a break easily! You like the things you have to work on! They interest you! You LOVE this stuff! So why the fuck are you not doing them?

I guess I just like being lazy.

It really is a horrible problem that I just can not seem to break. I don't know why! Even when I TRY to be productive, I can't!

Does anyone have any solutions for this?

Ironic picture of a picture. Of a picture. Of a...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

'Tis The Season For Pigskin Throwing

I am not a football person.

That being said, I really love the spirit that people have for the game. I have these two friends who will talk about football non-stop, and listening to them is one of my favourite things to do. They talk about football plays, they talk about playing in highschool, they talk about everything. When they watch football, now that's a completely different story. They get so animated and into the game. It's ridiculous, but it is so fun to watch them. Entertainment in itself.

Now, the Superbowl. There's an event being held in the main lounge of my residence, but I won't go. I think the only reason I would actually watch the Superbowl is to watch the fun ads, most of which aren't even shown in Canada, which sucks. And then there's the half-time show, which I would consider watching, but now that I heard Fergie is singing with the BEP... Well, there's a reason they were booed off the stage during the Grey Cup a few years back. Not a fan. At all. So I guess I just won't watch anything.

But Glee starts after the game! So that's something... Right?

Also, you should watch this.

Pretty Snow = Football Season!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Long Overdue.

It's been a long time since my last post. I know I suck at daily things. So sue me.

First thing's first: Seussical. Well, it's done and I miss it tons. I have to say, this was the first show I've been in where I have a lead, and I couldn't have been more proud or happy with how it came out. The people involved were all so amazing and talented and beautiful, and the show itself seemed to be ADORED by audiences! The review came out today... But I haven't ventured out of my room yet today. More on that later.

My Things! I had 4. Luckiest Cat ever.

It really was super, super fun, though. The thing that I will remember the most will be the Saturday matinee, though. Our Thursday matinee for schools was cancelled due to a CRAZY snow storm, so the executive added an additional show on the Saturday, so that was the day when all the cute kids came. Well, there's one part when I come onto the stage and cry, but as I was about to do so, a little girl in the audience goes, "Look! It's the Cat!"
I almost died.
Then, after the show, the cast gets to go out into the audience and see friends and family. I barely got to do that, though, because the minute I went into the audience, I was swarmed by children. Best. Feeling. Ever! And they all wanted pictures and all wanted high fives and hugs... Loved it. So happy.
Other than that, though, nothing can prepare you for bows. Like I said, this was my first "lead" in a show, and if you're a performer like I am, nothing can prepare you for the applause that you get when you get that final bow. I almost cried. Multiple times. And people standing! Ah! I LOVE PERFORMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cast party = ridiculous. But what happens at cast party, stays at cast party.

Except for this.

I had the most amazing surprise, though. This woman.

A little while before my mom came back from BC to see Seussical, she asked me if I wanted anything from Kamloops. I said "Just you and Shannon, but I know I can't have one of those." 
Lucky for me, I got both.
Crazy thing is, I had left my phone in my room that morning, and when Shannon had sent me a text saying that she was in my meal hall, I didn't get the text. I had to go up to my room to get my meal card before I realized my phone was still up there. Then, checking the texts, I promptly freaked out, scaring both Chris (the best boyfriend ever!) and Becca (the best friend ever!). Hugs in meal hall were long and crazy.
What made me even more happy than the fact that Shannon got to see me in a show was that she and Chris got along SO WELL. It was CRAZY!
Anyway, show done, Shannon and I decided to take a trip to Halifax. I mean, I didn't want Shannon getting bored in Sackville! Classes? Who needs them? SO off we went! We saw a Picnicface show http://www.youtube.com/user/picnicface?blend=1&ob=4 which was entertaining beyond belief, went shopping, slept a lot, went shopping again, Shannon got to see her family members in the area, etc! It was a lot of fun.
Literally liquid sugar in a tube.

But now I`m back in Sackville, missing my boyfriend and my best friend.

Did I mention I'm sick? Cause I am. It sucks. It really hit me right after Seussical ended. I was coughing and such in Halifax, but it wasn't that bad. THEN, almost immediately after I returned from Halifax, I got super sick. Hacking coughs, running nose, aches and pains... Not fun.

That's about it for now. Other exciting news is that I got the lead in the final Windsor Theatre show of the year, "Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet)". The lead's name is Contance Ledbelly, and the entire premise of the play follows Constance as she tries to prove that Romeo and Juliet and Othello are both actually comedies! But somewhere along the line she gets pulled into both worlds... and chaos ensues. It's pretty awesome. I have more lines than Hamlet, though...

So that's it for me. A good catch up, if I do say so myself! Coming up are the Vagina Monologues in a week! I guess it's time for me to start memorizing my monologue!

Pretty Nighttime Sackville!