Saturday, April 23, 2011


It's finally here.

My birthday.

Double double digits.

... Feels the same.

But, you know, it's not. I have survived another year of impending doom, much to my surprise.

20's a pretty boring birthday, though, if you think about it. I mean, one year ago, at least in the majority of Canada, you turn drinking age legal. This means that you are basically required to go out and party. It is the equivalent of the Sweet Sixteen, but better. And next year is even better because you are legally able to drink ANYWHERE in the world, so you're more than willing to go drink your face off... and then some.

I've also decided that after my birthday next year, I won't age another day because I simply won't have to. Sure I can't rent a car, but who cares?! That's what friends, hitch hiking, and walking is for!

Anyway, this is how I spent my birthday last year.

I looked super sassy,

I was surrounded by some amazing friends,

And I danced the night away (person pictured is actual friend, NOT creeper)

So the question remains, what will I be doing this year?

The answer is this:
That's right. I'll be running around in a cardboard airplane all the way to Vancouver. I'm also getting a sex change into a little boy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!

Not gonna lie, I'm actually super excited. I'll be in Vancouver for a little over a week, and not only will I be going to Vancouver, but I'll also be taking a side trip to my hometown! EXCITEMENT!

But until I get on that plane tonight, I will be eating cupcakes, packing, and relaxing with my parents.

Updates from Vancouver MAY happen, but as I'm not bringing my computer, they may be few and far between. Or not exist at all.

Did I mention it's my mother's birthday today, too? Fun fact.