Monday, November 28, 2011

Cat's Adventures in Sewing - Episode 2

So I'm all done my independent study in costume design and I am GLAD GLAD GLAD. My mentor, as sweet and well intentioned as she is, was not fun to work with. But that's probably just me being fiercely independent and crazy. And lazy. Mostly lazy. I dunno.

Anyway, the main thing that I had to do, aside from costume designs and alterations, was build two identical dresses that were not to be worn by any of the actors. They were instead dresses that the dead daughter in the play had worn. Delightful, I know. Anyway, I had to make two because one had to be ripped every night, which was a fun little project for me, trying to figure out the best technique to have the dress rip easily, but look like everything was solid on the outside. I ended up using a running stitch and breaking the threads periodically, but that's another story. HERE is the making of the two blue butterfly dresses!

I had never used a pattern before, so the laying out of the pattern was fun. My mom and I had a great time figuring it out, even with my mom suggesting we call my sewing teacher and my telling her, "Mom, we don't have to call her. I understand."
Here it is, laid out in all its glory.
Beautiful, isn't it?

And here's my mom! Best helper ever.

The first cut!

Since I needed two sets of the pattern, I doubled up the material and cut 4 pieces of each pattern piece.

Sewing sewing sewing...

A vest! Also, you can tell I was getting warm because the hair is up!

Working on putting the sleeves on the vest...
My mom. Best helper ever. Even when she's on the computer. Moral supporter.

And one bodice piece is done! Ish. But I can wear it! Who said it was for little girls.

And the final results from my first session working on the two butterfly dresses!

I was SO proud of myself when I had finished. I was all, these look AWESOME! I MADE THIS?! WHAAAA?! Unfortunately, I did not put the bias tape on properly and had to redo it, but other than that, everything was awesome.

So that's session one. Next up, the completion of the dresses!