Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sackville Beauties.

Long story short, it's been ages since I've blogged about ANYTHING! But, truth be told, I've been busy. School finished for the year, I went to Vancouver for a week and a half (blog about THAT to come) and I've been on a crazy job hunt that's only sorta been fruitful...

But enough about that. This blog is about my weekend. My absolutely fantastic weekend and the photoshoot that started it all. But before we begin, I would like you to view this picture:

It basically sums up my entire weekend. Yes, that is a giant lobster. Yes, there are a large amount of people sprawling themselves over said lobster and a fisherman. And yes, this was the last picture taken by my little camera before it was accidentally dropped and died.

Don't worry, Spenny. I don't blame you. For much.

But now getting to the main part of this post: the photoshoot! I was feeling kinda crappy the day I was supposed to head to Sackville, so I spent my day resting. I almost stayed IN Fredericton that night until I got a text from my roomie, Alexis, saying that we and our friend Eric should have a photoshoot when I got into town. SO, suddenly motivated, I jumped out of bed (kinda), ran out the door (not really), and sped to Sackville with a box spring strapped to the roof of my van (actually). Once I got there, I got prettied up, and we headed out to the Waterfowl Park.

 Right by the entrance to the Waterfowl Park was a beautiful tree covered in cherry blossoms. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to give them a sniff. Good thing my allergies didn't act up!

 Eric and Alexis were awesome models, both crazy photogenic in their own rights.
I love that my friends are so attractive.

 I mean, really! Look at this guy! Don't you just want to kiss him on the MOUTH!

I know I do.

 The bowler hat made me feel classy. And silly. But mostly classy.

 Okay... Mostly silly. 

 Alexis was really channeling a 60s mod vibe... WHICH I LOVED!

She was also debuting a Twiggy-esque haircut... WHICH I ALSO LOVED!!! 

 wHY So sERiOUs??1


 Like I said, BEAUTIFUL day! Not too sunny, not too cloudy. Perfect conditions for taking pictures!

 There was intense posing...

 ... hiding under boardwalks...

 ... and DUCKS!



 It was a happy day...

 ... filled with lots of smiles...

 ... and love.

 Also NO WAI, GRRRL! hand motions.


 The new religion?

 Just accept it. We're awesome.

I wouldn't give these two up as friends for the world.
I love you so much, Eric and Alexis! <3