Wednesday, February 22, 2012

NYC Break 2: Day 3

Alrighty... Day 3 of 4. Let's begin, shall we?

Woke up all by myself this morning! Aren't you all proud of me? But this was because I was meeting Erik and Jeff at the stairs so we could go explore the South end of Manhattan. Got up, waited to use the shower, didn't get to use the shower, raced downstairs for a bagel and coffee, raced back upstairs, explained to my father what my plan for the day was, raced back downstairs, explained to my mother what my plan for the day was, and then I was late. Like, 10 minutes late. I felt horrible, but it's a good thing our hotel was only 2 blocks away from the red stairs. Raced to the stairs... and voila! We headed out on our adventure.
Our first stop was the Bodies Exhibit by the South Street Seaport. I had visited it during my first New York trip in 2009, but because I'm me, I didn't remember much, if any, of the things that I had learned. So I went back. The fact that those are real human bodies on display astounds me, and the intricate workings of our bodies are amazing. WE are amazing. Especially us ladies. WE GOT LIFE INSIDE US, BROTHAS!
Moving on... All of us had food on us to save on food costs, so we decided to head to the port to sit and have a bite. The boats there are beautiful! So beautiful, in fact, that I took out my camera to take a picture... and realized that I had left my memory card in my computer at the hotel. Way to go, Cat. So, unfortunately, no pictures today, on a very, VERY photogenic day.
After eating, we walked to the World Trade Center. The construction walls were still up, we we noticed that you could get tickets to go to the memorial site! So we walked BACK the way we had come, got tickets for 3:30, and then walked away...
To the Staten Island Ferry! For those of you who don't know what the big deal about the Staten Island Ferry is, well, it gives the best view of the Statue of Liberty from the water for free. Yes, for free! And it really does get close, close enough to get a great photo of and/or with the Lady! Unfortunately for us, it was cold and windy on the ferry, but we stuck it out for some awesome photos! Except for Jeff. He chickened out and went inside... once. But it was really nice to get off our feet and do that, especially since all of us had been walking A LOT.
After we got off the Ferry, it was time to walk back up to the Memorial site. I was surprised by all the checkpoints and security things that we had to go through, but it makes sense. But the site itself was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. They have two square fountains, or rather pools, that were sunk into the ground in the two locations where the towers were. Around the fountain pool waterfall things were the names of all those who died either accidentally or trying to help others, separated by flight number or fire squadron, or if they were just a civilian. It was a really touching sight. I was a little disappointed as to how little respect people seemed to be giving the memorials, though. People were sitting around, taking pictures left and right, and even running around. You came to see a memorial to people who died, not to play in a playground. Maybe I'm just being picky. Maybe I'm not.
I had to say goodbye to Jeff and Erik after that so I could head to Times Square to meet up with Mama, Papa... and Landon! It had been a while since I'd seen Landon (since he's living in NYC now and I didn't join the rest of the drama dept. during their Fall trip), so it was wonderful to see him. It's so fun to get together and chat with him like nothing had changed. :) I missed that boy. The four of us went to the Olive Garden to eat and there were BREAD STICKS. I LOVE BREAD STICKS!
Also, look! A picture!
After a lovely meal, it was time to go to our show for the day... "Death of a Salesman" featuring Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Andrew Garfield. Um... holy shit, you guys. This was by far the most powerful piece of theatre I have ever seen. Seriously. Mr. Hoffman was phenomenal, and I believed every single thing that he did on stage. Andrew Garfield, too! He is a fantastic dramatic actor. I feel like it would be weird to see him perform a comedy... but I got to talk to him and get an autograph, and everything was rainbows and sunshine. The interesting thing is that they've only been open for a week prior to us seeing the show, so they were still doing notes after the performances. This meant that for autographs, we waited an hour and half and it was SO cold. The joys of previews, I guess!
But that was my glorious Monday in New York City!

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